Stick To This Warren Buffet Rule To Become Successful

Warren Buffet keeps me fascinated. First and foremost, he is self-made billionaire. If there are people inspiring you than it must be those great achievers.

Besides that Warren Buffet is witty and knows a lot. So I love to pull out his quotes and advice on success and life in general.One of Buffet’s tips that stick in my brain is to

“Become great in one single area.”

If passion and skill come together in one thing, say playing piano, chess or writing, you should stick to this. Strive to become one of the best in this one skill. Only this way wealth and happiness can pile up.

If you study your field of interest a bit, you may come to the conclusion that there are a lot of things to it.

Say for being a writer: You must write well, of course. But you should also have a lot of knowledge to have something to say. Then you should be good at marketing your books, connecting to publishers and readers.

If you love self-improvement like I do, you may want to improve in all these fields. Because isn’t success a chain? Say a great book, must go from a vision, to collect background knowledge, to write it, to polish the language, to market and sell it? And if one link in that chain is weak, the chain will break.

Warren Buffet however, challenges this way of thinking. You only have so much time. If you improve every part of this chain of skills, you will be half-assed mediocre in each of them. This leads nowhere. You won’t become famous. Your name wouldn’t stuck in people’s heads.

“The famous who? John Doe? Yes, I remember. It’s that guy who is OK in everything he does.”

But, when you are a real deal in, say, inventing stories, you will find the way through the whole chain of book publishing. And you don’t need to do it all alone. A great story teller will easily find an editor and a publisher. Letting other people master the other chain links will give you more time and energy to shine your true skill. A great story teller will eventually have the money to let the duty tasks be done by others.

Did you know that Dan Brown, author of “The Da Vinci Code”, has a whole army of researchers? Experts in the field of medieval history and secret societies, who are paid to find out things that google is out of clue, is 404.

Dan Brown is the crafter who weaves those threads of knowledge to a fascinating story. But he doesn’t have the time and skill to do all this background work.

Think about it. Do you know the editor of Steven King?

Do you know George Clooney’s agent?

Both of them have their important share for the artist’s success. The artist cannot go without them.

But no one could really replace George Clooney.

And no one can replace Robin Williams. R.I.P. one of my all time favorite actors.

So, be OK in some areas. Suck in others. But be _great_ in your one special area.

If your passion and skill meet in one point, seize this and potentiate their company.

To your success!



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