Stick To This Warren Buffet Rule To Become Successful

Warren Buffet keeps me fascinated. First and foremost, he is self-made billionaire. If there are people inspiring you than it must be those great achievers.

Besides that Warren Buffet is witty and knows a lot. So I love to pull out his quotes and advice on success and life in general.One of Buffet’s tips that stick in my brain is to

“Become great in one single area.”

If passion and skill come together in one thing, say playing piano, chess or writing, you should stick to this. Strive to become one of the best in this one skill. Only this way wealth and happiness can pile up.

If you study your field of interest a bit, you may come to the conclusion that there are a lot of things to it.

Say for being a writer: You must write well, of course. But you should also have a lot of knowledge to have something to say. Then you should be good at marketing your books, connecting to publishers and readers.

If you love self-improvement like I do, you may want to improve in all these fields. Because isn’t success a chain? Say a great book, must go from a vision, to collect background knowledge, to write it, to polish the language, to market and sell it? And if one link in that chain is weak, the chain will break.

Warren Buffet however, challenges this way of thinking. You only have so much time. If you improve every part of this chain of skills, you will be half-assed mediocre in each of them. This leads nowhere. You won’t become famous. Your name wouldn’t stuck in people’s heads.

“The famous who? John Doe? Yes, I remember. It’s that guy who is OK in everything he does.”

But, when you are a real deal in, say, inventing stories, you will find the way through the whole chain of book publishing. And you don’t need to do it all alone. A great story teller will easily find an editor and a publisher. Letting other people master the other chain links will give you more time and energy to shine your true skill. A great story teller will eventually have the money to let the duty tasks be done by others.

Did you know that Dan Brown, author of “The Da Vinci Code”, has a whole army of researchers? Experts in the field of medieval history and secret societies, who are paid to find out things that google is out of clue, is 404.

Dan Brown is the crafter who weaves those threads of knowledge to a fascinating story. But he doesn’t have the time and skill to do all this background work.

Think about it. Do you know the editor of Steven King?

Do you know George Clooney’s agent?

Both of them have their important share for the artist’s success. The artist cannot go without them.

But no one could really replace George Clooney.

And no one can replace Robin Williams. R.I.P. one of my all time favorite actors.

So, be OK in some areas. Suck in others. But be _great_ in your one special area.

If your passion and skill meet in one point, seize this and potentiate their company.

To your success!



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10 Thigs to Obey to Keep Your New Years Resolutions

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10 Things to Obey to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

Wondering how to finally keep your New Year’s Resolutions? These 10 Tips Will Make The Job Easier For You.

“Dates that come around every year help us measure progress in our lives. One annual event, New Year’s Day, is a time of reflection and resolution.” – Joseph B. Wirthlin

So you’ve already jotted down your new year’s resolutions, but will you keep them? Statistics generally show that most people give up on their resolutions even before the first quarter of the year lapses. The main reason for this trend is that in most cases we fail to focus on moving from planning to execution. But it doesn’t have to be that way moving forward. Here are some tips on how to keep New Year’s resolutions in 2018 and beyond.

1. Keep them Simple and Realistic

The secret is to avoid aiming too high to an extent that you end up procrastinating on your goals. Simply put, don’t be over-ambitious. Take a positive approach and keep your goals specific, measurable, attainable and realistic (SMART). It’s always a good idea to focus on clear short-term goals keeping in mind that it’s the little things you do that matter in the long-run.

“My New Year’s Resolution List usually starts with the desire to lose between ten and three thousand pounds.” – Nia Vardalos

2. Make your Resolutions Public

That’s right. You are more likely to keep your new year’s resolutions if you share them with friends and family. Just look for people who have proved to be trustworthy and explain your goals to them. You should let them know how they can support you so you can stick to your goals.

3. Have a Time Frame

Having a time frame will keep you motivated. You can choose to have a calendar or diary so you can easily plan your actions. But make sure you set realistic time frames to avoid frustrations.

4. Reward Yourself

Give yourself a reward for every milestone (no matter how small) you make. This will keep you motivated and looking forward to the next challenge. Yup, rewards work like magic. For instance, when you have achieved a certain fitness goal, why not reward yourself with your favorite food that you have been avoiding for weeks? Just make sure the rewards you choose don’t work against your resolutions.

5. Don’t be too Quick to Give Up

In most cases, people often give up on their resolutions when they make just a single slip up. To be honest, slip-ups are almost inevitable at some point. Therefore, when it happens, you must not allow them to become an excuse to give up on your goals. Simply forgive yourself and move on.

6. Keep Track of your Progress

Tracking your progress ensures you keep your resolutions fresh in your mind. Just like Jerry Seinfield, use a calender to check off each daily success step. Put it up at a prominent place to keep you reminded. Or use a smartphone app, maybe one with an alarm.

7. Have an AccountabilityPartner

You can even have an accountability partner. This can be your buddy, workmate, soulmate or simply anyone you’d be comfortable sharing your progress with. The fact that you have somebody to report to will naturally give you the impetus to follow up on your promises.

8. Be your Own Cheerleader

The resolutions you make will be under your control. While it is good to seek support from other people, you should not rely too heavily on them. Being your own cheerleader will give you the motivation to stick to your plans.

9. Revise your Goals

Don’t be a prisoner of your own choices. You can tweak your resolutions as you see fit in case something is not working. You can do this weekly or monthly. Who knows, you might find your original goal was not quite realistic after all.

“If you asked me for my New Year Resolution, it would be to find out who I am.” – Cyril Cusack

10. Be Specific

You have got to set specific goals because vague goals never work. The more specific you are with your resolutions, the easier it will be to achieve them while remaining accountable. For instance, if you want to shed some weight, target the precise number of pounds you would like to shed. You can say, “I want to lose 10 pounds by April” or “I want to start lifting 4-pound dumbbells by mid-year” and so forth. Being specific enables you to plan your schedule accordingly.

“In fact, my New Year’s resolution every year, and I’m Jewish so I get two New Years a year, is to meditate, and I fail every time.”
– Sheryl Sandberg


Sure, sticking to your new year’s resolutions is not always easy. But no matter what your resolutions are, the above tips will help you achieve them.

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